October 14

Why prospecting and selling always comes before anything – in Just 7 Minutes with Chris Williams

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Why figuring out how to take that into a more scalable model that takes less time is the next code to crack in the expert model.
  • Why you need to find and lean on someone you can trust.
  • If you don't have a way to predictably generate on profile leads, you don't have a business.


Related Links and Resources:

Chris's Gift to you:

A literal mountain of resources all designed to help you scale your business.

Get yours right here:

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Chris works with entrepreneurial and business experts, speakers, coaches, and leaders helping them market, monetize, and lead their own high-ticket mastermind (or group coaching) programs.

As the world continues to shift, many experts are trying to build high-ticket groups for additional income, lead generation, or impact. Chris teaches experts how to generate leads, close high-ticket deals, and build strong, transformational groups. He has his own digital agency, leads two masterminds of his own, and has learned many of these lessons the hard way, so sharing his journey and offering strategies is why he is here. 

Learn more at: 


“Fear missing the opportunity more than you fear the failure" – Aaron Walker 

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