March 9

Why I Built a Team That Grew SEO Marketing at 30% Year After Year – Kristaps Brencans

BBS Podcast



What you need to know about our guest:

Kristaps Brencans is the CEO at On The Map Marketing, one of the leading search engine marketing agencies in North America. Currently servicing 500+ clients nationwide, the agency has grown year over year by 30 plus percent reaching the $5m+ revenue mark. In his 10+ year search-engine marketing experience he has launched hundreds of massively profitable SEO campaigns and has built high-performance teams of 50+ people.

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Email: [email protected]

The Question Kristaps Enjoys Explaining:

"What's the key to success to anyone who joins a company or tries to build their own business?"


It's solving problems, it's never the shiny thing. You think about the biggest problem and go and fix that problem. And that is really business. Change that mentality and you have this growth mindset.

“We invest a lot of time in cultivating internal knowledge. Because this internal knowledge that our company holds is what gives us the formula of building best possible SEM strategies for our clients." – Kristaps Brencans

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