March 24

What are the Key Steps to Get Everybody Back to the Shop – in Just 7 Minutes with Brenda Neckvatal

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Avoid 'hitting a wall' because of bad decisions
  • How to address a problem the right way
  • The power of communicating to your people or team


Related Links and Resources:

Brenda is giving away two free assessments from her website The first one is just on the main page and that's just a regular HR assessment. If you're interested in actually scaling your business to go to government contracting, go to 'govcon' page on her website and actually download that free assessment also.


Brenda Neckvatal is an award-winning HR professional and is often referred to as the “HR Force of Nature” by her clients. She started as an HR sprout after fourteen years in retail management. Having the benefit of working for a total of five Fortune 500 companies, she converted her experience into a series of focused best practices helping small businesses achieve their workforce goals.

In her 30-year career in human resources and business, she has consulted to nearly 500 small businesses and C-suite leaders. She has optimized employee effectiveness and helped mitigate the high costs that are associated with making hasty employment related decisions.

Here are the highlights of this episode:

2:02 Brenda’s ideal Client: I got 3 audiences; one audience I work specifically with HR Professionals who's trying to figure out their HR function. Either may or may not have had education, at the beginning stages of their career, and they're trying to earn that trajectory upward. The next is government contracting; I do a lot of government HR compliance. So, government contractors who love to speak to them. Also, entrepreneurs who're just getting started; either they just hired their first employee or about to hire their first employee and we make sure to set them off in the right direction.

2:45 Problem Brenda helps solve: They don't know where to go and they don't know where to look for. They do things thinking that they're engaging in a specific business direction but it turns out that they're actually implementing the wrong thing. They could be under the impression that they need to have an employment agreement because they thought that they have to but it turns out that they are giving employment agreements to frontline employees which you wouldn't want that to happen in any way. A lot of it is innocent.

3:32 Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Brenda: They hit a wall to where they feel really bad about the decisions that they're making. It's ideal that they reach out and pick the phone up before they actually get to that. Because at that point, they beat themselves down so bad that it takes a lot to help pick them back up and make them realize that it's an easy mistake to fix. There's a lot of easy things to fix in HR, there's a little that we can't fix to be honest with you except death, that's the only thing I can't reverse. Other than that, we can always turn things around.

4:16 What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Brenda and her solution: Well, they go to the first 6 lines of google HR and they don't get the accurate information. They rely on very short answers, they might ask questions on open groups like Facebook or something like that. And they're not really addressing the matter nor really pulling up that critical level of thinking. And so, they're only going to get the kind of response to questions that they're asking for, the quality of the questions is equally insufficient as the information that they're sourcing.

5:00 Brenda’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Actually, on my website, there's two places where you can get free assessment. You can actually see what kind of gap exists in your HR infrastructure. The first one is just on the main page and that's just a regular HR assessment. If you're interested in actually scaling your business to go to government contracting which is a great opportunity because the government does not run out of money and we know that. Go to 'govcon' page on my website and actually download that free assessment as well and you can actually see that more than likely you have most of the infrastructure in place because compliance is much more critical and much more sensitive. There's a lot of eyes looking on you when you're a government contractor but it's well worth the effort for sure. (I already reverse the question)

6:16 Brenda’s Valuable Free Action VFA): Just start walking and communicating with your people; that's the best thing that you can do. At any point in time that you don't know what to do, just start engaging and having conversations with your people because you're going to learn what you need to do. Just check in with folks, see how things are going, find out what their obstacles are. I promise, you will find a new problem. 

7:07 When is the book coming out? I'm actually working on two books, probably going to be dropped at the same time. The first one is called "My Best Practices in Human Resources: How I Clawed My Way from Want-to-be to VP" and the third of it is my story, the third of it are the career moves that people should be paying attention to, and the back third of it is my ideas on HR Leadership. And we have another book that's coming out and the title is still to be determined but it's all about how to effectively use 'Clubhouse' to actually host rooms, provide value and actually get conversion in your effort so that in that way, it drives sales.

At any point in time that you don't know what to do, just start engaging and having conversations with your people because you're going to learn what you need to do" – Brenda Neckvatal 

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