May 30

Those Who Feed Us Need Us – Usman Javaid

BBS Podcast



What you need to know about our guest:

Usman Javaid has 15+ years of experience in Engro (Exxon), Nestle and Telenor. Was part of the team that launched Easy Paisa (Digital Wallets). Extensive experience in management. MBA from MIT

Usman and Aukrit met at an MIT entrepreneurship class, where they both shared similar ideas for improving the livelihood of smallholder farmers. Interestingly, both had worked closely with farming communities in their respective countries of Pakistan and Thailand, and had been moved by the appalling conditions and challenges faced by these communities. They kickstarted Ricult around late 2015 and were soon joined by Jonathan Stoller (CTO) and Gabriel Torres (CSO).

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Email: [email protected]

The Question Usman Usually Gets:

"Why didn't you start it in the The United States?"


The United States, even though they have certain communities of farmers which aren't that well off, but they have a lot of support from the government in terms of subsidies.

Where the country that we try and operate in now, actually don't have that government support. And that is where we feel we can add the most value.

“RICULT middle word of agriculture. We are trying to create a call which wants to create change in the society. We ARE the call; we need to make it possible for small holder farmers to change their lives." – Usman Javaid 

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