February 17

The FASTEST & Most RELIABLE Way To Get In Front Of 1,000’s Of Your Dream Clients, Every Month– in Just 7 Minutes with Adam King

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • How to deal with 'overwhelming complexity'
  • Knowing when 'trying something different' will work for your business
  • What is 'strategy of conversational relationship marketing’


Related Links and Resources:

I have a book called "Conversation Relationship Marketing" which essentially breaks this entire process down. And you can get that for completely FREE; I don't even ask for an optin for that. There's also an audio book version that you can get there. You can go to thinklikeafish.co.uk/sbs and you also see a few other things on that page as a little surprise, as an 80-minute training on how to use pawn chips to grow your business. There's a few other things you can do and listen to B2B Growth Think Tank podcast on there. So many things there to connect with me and I'd love you to come and pick the things that make the most sense to you.


Adam King is "The Captain of The Ship” at Growth Consultancy Think Like a Fish, where he helps established B2B and Professional Service Firms implement a simple, scalable business development system he’s developed from over 18 years in marketing called The Growth Accelerator Ecosystem, that gives them the platform to grow their business from 6 to 7 figures (and beyond).

He’s also the Host of The B2B Growth Think Tank, where each week he and his expert guests discuss growth strategies, ideas and insights, as well as helping another business owner on the “Virtual Hotseat” by masterminding actionable solutions to a specific challenge they're currently trying to solve in their business.

Here are the highlights of this episode:

1:47 Adam’s ideal Client: It's essentially the owners and Directors of firms that sell high ticket, high value, high trust B2B or professional services. And they're generally generating between mid 6-figures to low 7-figures on annual revenue and they're just committed and motivated to implement the system that you described there or a form of system, business development system that will help generate more revenue, less time, lower marketing cost. And to be honest, they're a bit sick and tired of all the hype and false promises and they prefer to work with a partner that actually guarantees' results.

2:42 Problem Adam helps solve: I think the real problem that I solve is 'overwhelming complexity' but I think the people generally think that it isn't their core problem and they generally come to me thinking that they need to be able to full or top their pipeline, they're struggling to generate enough demand that will really help them consistently generate those quality sales opportunities that we all need to grow. So, I give them that clear part.

3:26 Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Adam: Well, the most common thing that I hear or maybe hear this in yourself and some of the listeners out there, they come to me saying something along the lines of "look, we're really good in front of prospects and we win clients when we can talk to them but we're just not talking to enough of them to reach our growth goals." And, I get a lot of my clients come to me at some form of crossroad because their business has been successful, it's been established for a number of years and they got an amazing track record or providing a great service, they have the results to prove it and all that kind of thing but they're realizing that what they've done to get them to this point is not enough to get them to the next level. They know they need to do something different but they're just overwhelmed with all the options of how to do it.

4:35 What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Adam and his solution: Well, I guess the first thing isn't necessarily a mistake, it's just trying to do what they're already been doing as a sort of reference there, and they built their business on referrals, hard work, hassle, that kind of thing. Maybe one or two sales rain makers in the business. But when they try to do something different what they tend to do is they focus on trying to implement so many of these "shiny objects" or 'the marketing tactics out there that's been pushed as the 'hot button' right now that's going to solve all your problems.' But they lose sight of the overarching purpose and goals of their business. So, they're spending too much time on individual tactics and too little on essentially building a fundamental strategy that is built on most proven principles than implementing a system to actually fulfill the strategy.

5:32 Adam’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Well, I find that in the majority of people that I talked to that have been in the business for awhile within their existing network, there is potentially 6 or 7 figures of untapped growth opportunities just lying there waiting for you to reach out and grab them. So, it's how you develop a strategy that allows you to use other people's networks, audiences, that kind of thing, and open doors to generate opportunities adding an additional revenue stream to your business. And that comes from what I call a 'strategy of conversational relationship marketing’ which, when you break it down, it's doing the things you already know how to do. Building relationships, having conversation with people and ultimately the power comes from strategic partners. And so, the first thing that I would look up doing is looking through your network and looking for companies that have complimentary services, and seeing if you can have a conversation. To see if there is any way of working together to co-promote each other. Because partnerships will give you access to audiences with the implied trust that will just shake everything that all the other tactics are actually trying to get to in the first place. So, it's a very powerful growth for any business.

7:02 Adam’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): I have a book called "Conversation Relationship Marketing" which essentially breaks this entire process down. And you can get that for completely FREE; I don't even ask for an optin for that. There's also an audio book version that you can get there. You can go to thinklikeafish.co.uk/sbs and you also see a few other things on that page as a little surprise, as an 80-minute training on how to use pawn chips to grow your business. There’re a few other things you can go and listen to B2B Growth Think Tank podcast on there. So many things that're there to connect with me and I'd love you to come and pick the things that make the most sense to you.

8:00 What the hell is the fish thing all about? What's think like a fish about? The quick answer is, it's a metaphor for how to ensure your marketing is successful. Because I like it from a story, and the successful fisherman that go with the fish and hungry and plentiful and successful businesses followed the same logic with their marketing. 

Not only that, but successful fishermen they think like the fish and not the fish amongst themselves. And they understand the fish so well, they struggle not to catch it because you cannot catch a fish with chocolate cake even if you love it. Because fish loves worms. So, create marketing around your clients and customers first.

Building relationships, having conversation with people and ultimately the power comes from strategic partners" – Adam King 

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