May 11

Finding Your 1000 True Fans – In Just 7 Minutes With Ravi Jayagopal

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • How can you sell and monetize from digital content
  • Figuring out your niche
  • Benefits of making to-do list


Related Links and Resources:

If you go to , you will be taken to the Amazon page where it shows 7 of Ravi’s kindle books. Pick any one of those and send him an email to [email protected]. And tell say that Bill sent you, and you want this certain E-book for free. And Ravi will give it for free!


Ravi Jayagopal is a full-time Entrepreneur, 7-time Author, Speaker, Podcaster, Business Coach and Amateur Ventriloquist.

His podcast is where he talks about Digital Marketing, creating Membership Sites and Online Courses, how to Create, Sell and Deliver Digital Content, Content Marketing, Creating Audio, Video and PDF's and Reports and Kindle books.

He has been selling online since 1997. He is also the Co-Founder & Co-Developer of, arguably the best membership plugin for WordPress. is where you can listen to his podcast, check out his products and services, and contact him.

Here are the highlights of this episode:

2:15 Ravi’s ideal Client: Somebody who wants to create, sell, and monetize digital content. Whether it's audio or video, so they are trying to create courses or podcast. They have a lot of skill, knowledge and experience in certain subject, they have niche experts. And they are trying to create something and now what's next? How do you sell it, how do you deliver it, how do you get traffic, how do you build an audience, how do you monetize it? That's where I'm expected.

2:52 Problem Ravi helps solve: Delivering and monetizing digital content.

3:10 Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Ravi: They usually know how to create different types of content, but they don't know where to get started, they don't know what to do with it after they created it. Whether it's a PDF, a podcast, or audio. They are able record, creating audio video is easy, but next step is how do I put it on the website, how do I make sure only authorized people can access it, how do I give access to it only after they paid. How do I sell my digital products? Then, when it's launch, where do I find an audience? I can't just go and spam my existing social Facebook feed over and over again. Building an audience is probably right there but how to create, deliver and monetize digital content.

4:20 What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Ravi and his solution: The don't know where to start. They started joining different Facebook groups. You ask one simple question such as "where do I host my podcast?". You will get 200 comments, where 100 of them is suggesting different options. So, you don't know whose recommendation to trust because everybody is telling you what they know. It may not be your best options. If you try to do it on your own, and try to outsource or crowd source your business advice then you go around a lot of the times. You need to follow people who have been there, done that. And that's why I am able to offer business coaching services, software, products and everything else. You don't need just the solution; you need the right solution and the right time. And also, to know what you should not be doing. Sometimes as an entrepreneur, there's always a shiny object and you tend to go down to all these rabbit holes. Stay focus.

6:16 Ravi’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Figure out your niche; what niche you are going to go down in. There's something about what you are interested in. Let's say its gardening. But is it feasible to build an online business around gardening. If you know enough about gardening that's great. You can't just pick a hobby that you're good at and think you can make money with that. Try to figure out your niche, what is it that you are really strong at and then start putting a content to build an audience from day one.

The beautiful thing is, when you start really narrow in what you're really good at, you start with an audience. you start attracting audience toward that super sub-niche. And then it's always easier to go inside out.

8:16 Ravi’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): So, If you go to, you will be taken to the Amazon page where it shows 7 of my kindle books. One of them was written in 2007 so ignore that. The other six, three of our Podcasting, one about Alexa Flash Briefing, one about Membership sites online courses. Pick any one of those and send me an email to [email protected]. And tell me hey Bill sent me, I want this E-book for free. Send me an email and I will give it to you for free.

9:20 How do people deal with overwhelmed? As a digital marketer, there are so many different things; you need to create content and social media, create Facebook and Instagram, create a podcast, how do you create a YouTube channel, how do you build an email list..there are so many things. How do you prioritize? Make a to-do list, don't worry about there's 200 items. Think about doing two a day, five a day. How much you can afford to spend, prioritize them. Once you made the list, first thing is to brainstorm everything. I need to create a landing page, I need to create this sales page, I need to create this pricing table, etc. Start with the sales page so you'll know questions that need answers, you form your charts, you script out everything, you'll have more idea.

“You don't need just the solution; you need the RIGHT solution and the right time” – Ravi Jayagopal       

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