January 11

Taking Leadership to the Next Level – in Just 7 Minutes with Thomas L. Rosenberg

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • How resistance to change can affect leadership
  • Accepting new strategies for leadership can be helpful
  • Knowing that receiving coaching doesn't show weakness


Related Links and Resources:

I would be happy to offer a 30-minute free no obligation call just to have people share with me what they're seeking and I can share more about my coaching process and how we might work together, and we can explore whether we are a good fit as client and coach. If you're interested in that, please visit my landing page. It is www.bit.ly/ReGenerateCoaching 


Thomas L. Rosenberg MS, MBA, CIC, is Founder and Chief Calming Officer at ReGenerate Coaching. A Certified Integral Coach, he loves helping people grow and flourish by rediscovering what’s truly important to them. He has spent the majority of his career helping folks to become comfortable with change and with leading change in 20 countries on 5 continents. While his primary role is as a Leadership Coach for executives and teams, he also enjoys tending to his garden and dancing Argentine Tango with his wife.

Here are the highlights of this episode:

1:38 Thomas’ ideal Client: My ideal clients are executives and smaller firms up to 1,500 employees who feel that they're plateauing as a leader. They want to actively shape their impact and perhaps even identify the wisdom that they already carry. and you can do that by cultivating heartfelt influence.

2:08 Problem Thomas helps solve: I really boil it down to ineffective and disconnected leadership; ineffective and disconnected leaders won't & can't bring out the best in their people. And that's going to have repercussions for both top and bottom lines of the organization.

2:54 Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Thomas: In terms of the emotions, they might feel that they're trying really hard and they can't see why something is not manifesting. That can be seen by other people perhaps as poor decision making, communication issues, it could be their level of trust of themselves because they're doubting themselves or could also be the trust of others. There's also that resistance to change, "no, I'm fine as I am, I'm going to keep doing this" but they can also discover that they can burn out because they're trying so hard because they think "more hours, that will work" and they just flame out.

3:59 What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Thomas and his solution: First of all, is trying to do it all by themselves and just thinking "oh, I can do this.. more of this, more of the same, there's more time, more energy, more body from a team, I just need 10 people not 8, we'll get it there." And they also assumed that the same strategies that got them to that point of leadership will get them beyond it. And that's really one of the biggest issues is recognizing that's not the same skillset. What makes you a really good individual contributor is usually a technical expertise, it's not necessarily leadership. And there's also the question that I really like to focus on which is helping people recognize that leadership comes from more than just a head.

5:07 Thomas’ Valuable Free Action (VFA): For me, it's starting down the road of developing self-awareness and so, what I will recommend people try is just to take some uninterrupted time, say maybe an hour or maybe two, and just really sit with the question of 'are you embodying the models of the leadership you seek to emulate' and if not, what will you put down, pick up or alter on what you're practicing. Absolutely journaling would be really helpful to follow up to that action, to be able to really parse that and to be able to reflect fully.

6:17 Thomas Valuable Free Resource (VFR): I would be happy to offer a 30-minute free no obligation call just to have people share with me what they're seeking and I can share more about my coaching process and how we might work together, and we can explore whether we are a good fit as client and coach. If you're interested in that, please visit my landing page. It is bit.ly/ReGenerateCoaching

7:06 What holds people back from seeking coaching in the first place? There seems to be for quite a few folks an underlying bias that receiving coaching shows weakness. Just to counter that, you go to the gym, you want to get in shape, you're going to hire a personal trainer. You have an issue with process improvement or you want continuous improvement in the office, at the factory, in an organization, then you need to hire a business analyst or a process engineer. So, why isn't it ok to hire a leadership coach for yourself? This is about you and your continuous improvement as a human. One client who was really uncertain about what coaching meant; somebody's going to come in and he's going to tell me "if you do A and B, you're going to get C" it's not that simple. We're really working with a process of co-creation and really helping you uncover what your innate gifts, your own wisdom and helping you develop that self-awareness so that you can really start to live into what really means to be a leader. Because again, it's not doing the same thing that you used to do. It's doing the new way and holding a new space for others. So, they can be inspired so that they can feel agency and the ability to really step in. Because that in my opinion is what leaders that create leaderful teams is what's going to create magic in the organizations

So, why isn't it ok to hire a leadership coach for yourself? This is about you and your continuous improvement as a human" – Thomas L. Rosenberg 

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