November 14

SEE it. BE it. DO it. (How Visualization Really Works)! – in Just 7 Minutes with Steve Gamlin

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Figuring out what you really want in life and who you wish to be.
  • Start to listen to your own voice and then start to draw and assemble the picture, the vision of what that would look like, feel like, sound like, smell like.
  • A Vision Board is not just a set it and forget it thing.


Related Links and Resources:

Steve's Gift to you:

A Video and Action Sheet explaining the most basic steps of Visualization, for personal and professional growth.

Get yours here:


As The Motivational Firewood® Guy, Steve Gamlin blends back-to-basics positivity, Visualization & humor, teaching his clients to SEE their desired outcomes, understand their WHY, & build ACTION PLANS to achieve them, via his Vision Board Mastery program, 1-to-1 and Group Coaching, plus Live and Virtual events.

Learn more at:

“Fear missing the opportunity more than you fear the failure" – Aaron Walker 

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