November 4, 2022

SBS Podcast

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • When we work all the time, we miss out on other things that could be going on in life like friendships, relationships, travel experiences, maybe even a second business.
  • Why the lack of creativity and belief can mean time off is not spent doing something extraordinary.
  • Entrepreneurs have a hard time letting go of lost opportunities and that prevents us from focusing on what we need to be doing.

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November 2, 2022

SBS Podcast

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • How define what we call their brand story and their financial story and put it together in a nice, clear and concise fashion.
  • In order to have a really nice good pitch deck, whether to raise capital or sell your company, you've gotta be able to tell a really good story in 5, maybe 10 minutes.
  • Why you don't want to use spreadsheets and detailed financial forecasts.

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October 31, 2022

SBS Podcast

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • How a lot of people can overcomplicate their marketing and sales process
  • The importance of networking at scale because instead of talking to a few people, you're talking to a few hundred.
  • Why you should write down your 10 frequently asked questions and create a quick video answering them.

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October 26, 2022



I’m on the @STCPodcast (Screw The Commute) with @TomAntion today!

The show is all about helping entrepreneurs get out of the car and into the money. On the podcast, I give some tips and advice from my entrepreneurial journey. Check it out!

Ways to tune in:

*** Check out our interview here:

*** Find us on Apple Podcasts here: 

*** Find us on Google Podcasts here:

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October 26, 2022

SBS Podcast

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • How small business owners try to do it all and they just can't.
  • The importance of being proactive vs. reactive.
  • Why you must determine who is your audience, who is the person that will buy your products, shop at your store, who needs your services, and then market directly to them.

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