January 22

One Belief Away Breakthroughs – in Just 7 Minutes with Tim Shurr

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Avoiding having low productivity and self-sabotaging
  • Having a proper leadership style
  • Using a 5-step approach to succeed


Related Links and Resources:

So, I created a program called "The Power of Your Unconscious Mind" and I breakdown and go deep with lots of stories about how your mind works, how to optimize yourself, how to get the most out of yourself. And if you go to www.powermindsetprogram.com and I'm giving you VIP access, there's no charge for this.


After 32 years of studying human behavior, facilitating over 15,000 individual hypnosis sessions, and running hundreds of group experiences, Tim Shurr discovered the precise methods for shifting people from surviving to thriving! He boldly says, "I can solve your biggest problem right here and now!" and he's backed his claims up on live television numerous times!

Tim Shurr is host of the How To Be Mesmerizing podcast, creator of the Legend Summit, and author of 6 books including his latest that just released on Amazon, One Belief Away!

Here are the highlights of this episode:

2:02 Tim’s ideal Client: My ideal client is an executive in a midsize company or someone who is on the top leadership or management level who is struggling with the pressures of hitting their numbers regularly, and also managing all the personalities that they have. Also managing getting all their stuff done, and now managing a remote workforce. The constant pressure and anxiety that we have of succeeding and doing well, plus managing our life is tremendous. And people need better tools and strategies, and that's where I provide them.

2:48 Problem Tim helps solve: Well, that one problem really is low productivity and self-sabotage. People do not realize because they're programming from their childhood, the unconscious beliefs and biases floating around in their emotional unconscious mind. That's what keeps them from the results they want. We're trying to solve the wrong problem. We're focusing on changing other people, we're focusing on getting new sales, marketing or new technology in place when we're not upgrading the human software in our own minds. That's why communication breaks down, people have high turnover, why you have silos, even in a high-performing team you have a lot of mistakes that are made because people are not aware that they are creating a problem that they're complaining about.

4:08 Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Tim: Think about the most common people problems. People are struggling with anxiety, people are tired, people feel overwhelmed, people are not getting sleep at night, we're turning into sugar, nicotine, alcohol, as a way to feel better and often it just makes things worse. So, the most common people problems are what's creating all the stress in the workplace. But those people problems are coming from the ideas that people don't care or just these common blind spots that people have. For example, there was this guy one time that would run through the workshop, he didn't want to talk to anybody because he was afraid that if someone would ask him something, he wouldn't be able to get his stuff done on his list. He has a belief that his to-do list is more important than the interactions with his people. It made him transactional instead of transformational. And you can imagine the resentment that was happening towards their leader. It's a common blind spot that people have. Another blind spot that people have, especially leaders is that "I don't have time to train my people, I barely have enough time to get my own stuff done." Another common belief that we have is that people don't want to work hard, people don't want to give that discretionary effort when really, it's your leadership style and your approach that's causing them to not want to give more.

5:44 What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Tim and his solution: They keep on looking outside themselves for the answer. They keep on thinking "well, if we had better technology, if we had more time, if we improve our meetings or if we are able to have a better culture and pizza party on a Friday then that will really make the biggest difference". After getting in the executive's head and leader's head for so many years, I realized that the biggest problem is the beliefs that they have; these unconscious beliefs that are floating in their mind. And because they are unconscious, we don't know that they're there, and you can't fix what you're not aware of. You can't see the label when you're in a bottle. And so, they'll keep on trying new programs or have internal trainers that are trying to do all these programs but don't really get that good of results and that's because you don't recognize your own biases and blind spots. I've been doing it for three decades, I see it immediately, that's why I'm able to create change so fast.

6:58 Tim’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Let me give you a 5 quick step approach. Step 1: figure out what is my biggest worry, what is my biggest challenge, what is my biggest problem, and write it down. Step 2, what will I have to believe in order to feel the way that I feel? Like this problem is, we can't get people to communicate effectively or we keep making this one big mistake and I don't know why or we are having such a high turn, we can't keep our A players. What will you have to believe? I have to believe that there's something wrong and we're not going to be able to fix it. Now you identified what the fear is. Then you're going to say "what do I want to believe instead?" because you got to figure out what you are really afraid of, what are you most afraid of. There's a belief behind that fear. And then ask yourself what you would want to believe instead. If you could believe anything, you want to believe that we can solve this, that we can figure it out, that we're going to find a solution. If this belief were true, what will your next big move be? That's step 4. Finally, step 5 is to take action on it. So, we got to identify what the biggest fear is, and then what's the belief that's driving that fear. If you uncover what the belief is, then you can start to upgrade it. Then you can start to change it, by focusing on what you want to believe instead and go from stress to confidence. You go from fear to focus and faith. And when you're focusing on   what you want and you start to believe you can find a way, your mind will start to pay attention to new information that will actually help you find the solution that you're looking for.  

8:54 Tim’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): I put together a program that helps you understand how your mind works, because most people don’t know how their brain works. And they're walking around with the same MS Dos Program that they were born with, they haven't upgrade it. We upgraded our smart phones all the time but we're not upgrading our human software. So, I created a program called "The Power of Your Unconscious Mind" and I breakdown and go deep with lots of stories about how your mind works, how to optimize yourself, how to get the most out of yourself. And if you go to powermindsetprogram.com and I'm giving you VIP access, there's no charge for this. You are listening to Bill's program, I know you're an achiever, you're doing your best, you're working hard and you're already successful. This will help you take it to the next level. 

10:00 Tim, you've been studying humans for 32 years, what's the biggest takeaway you got in all of that? Here's the number 1; our insecurities, anxiety and self-sabotage all comes from one big human fear: "I'm not good enough, I won't be enough. And If I'm not enough I won’t be loved. So, how do I get that love?". A lot of times we turn that into achievement.. "Well, if I can just keep making more, earning more, or doing more, or buying more" and a lot of times it doesn't make us happy, it makes us stress no matter what I accumulate. So, the cure for that is to realize that you're already enough, you have nothing to prove, you are already good. You are already amazing, wonderful, you deserved to be love and it starts by loving yourself and taking care of you in a whole new way. And when you do that, you'll have more of what you want, and you'll love what you already have.

You are already amazing, wonderful, you deserved to be love and it starts by loving yourself and taking care of you in a whole new way. And when you do that, you'll have more of what you want, and you'll love what you already have" – Tim Shurr 

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