June 15

New Culture for a New Generation – Michael Clegg

BBS Podcast



What you need to know about our guest:

Michael Clegg has served over three decades in the talent management space. He is now the CEO and Managing Partner of Q Works Group, celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. He has always been a passionate leader that understands that culture’s job is not to make you feel good. Culture’s job is to drive expected behaviors.

Related Links:

Company site: https://qworksgroup.com/

Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-q-works-group/

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelclegg1/

Company Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theqworksgroup/

Company Twitter: https://twitter.com/qworksgroup

Company Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/qworksgroup/

Email: [email protected]

The Question Michael Enjoys Explaining:

"Why are you coaching high school football?"


It's given me the opportunity to be around my boys. I have a rising sophomore in college and rising sophomore in high school.

I get to spend some time with them, but more than anything, I get to give back a little bit of the knowledge that I have in regards to coaching because football, I firmly believe is a strong metaphor for life.

I love helping these guys, these young men. Sometimes we're the only outlet that they have from a home life.

“Culture's measured by what we tolerate. In order to change the culture, You have to change the behaviors. And if you can't get the behaviors to be changed, you have to change the faces, change people" – Michael Clegg 

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