September 15

How We Generate Business opportunities in the New Reality – in Just 7 Minutes with JD Gershbein

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • How to find your place in the online world
  • Improving your LinkedIn profile to attract high-caliber professionals
  • How to build your LinkedIn profile which will not look like a default resume


Related Links and Resources:

They can have a free, no obligation 30-minute conversation with me in the comfort of my zoom room. they can direct message me through my LinkedIn profile  and also go to my website at


Since 2006, JD Gershbein has been at the forefront of advancing the ideals of the digital world, inspiring opportunity-oriented individuals and companies to harness the power of the online media to elevate their profiles, engage their communities, and win new business. JD was one of the world’s first independent LinkedIn consultants and is widely regarded as a thought leader in the areas of personal branding, social networking, and social entrepreneurship.

As a business psychologist, speaker, facilitator and media producer, JD has educated and entertained audiences all over the globe on how to create a competitive advantage in today’s Digital Age. He has been featured on FOX TV News, WGN TV News, CBS News, and WGN Radio, and contributed written work to The Huffington Post, NBC, and Forbes. He is also a student of improvisational and sketch comedy at The Second City in Chicago.

Here are the highlights of this episode:

1:57 JD’s ideal Client: Interestingly, I've been asked about this a lot in the online communities that I moved through, and my ideal client is not tied to any industry, market sector or vertical. It is an individual who recognizes the need for personal branding, or a company that wishes to gain a greater understanding of LinkedIn to grow the enterprise.

2:28 Problem JD helps solve: As a positive psychologist, I don't necessarily harp on the problems or issues that people have, because I think we all want to move forward in today's new reality, but I do see mistakes that've been made on the side. And if I don't reference them, we can't correct them. I think it's the people who want to bypass the process of relationship development and move into the sale of the product and services. And I think in today's time we're taping this during a global pandemic, we need to be more receptive on who's on the other side of our sales' pitch and we need to kind of defer the sales pitch and approach people from a place of true respect. altruism, empathy, and service.

3:27 Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to JD: Typically, I collaborate with people who are finding it difficult in finding a place for themselves in the online world. With the onset of the global pandemic, with everybody leaning into LinkedIn, and with the virtualization of business, it's been difficult for people who postponed or altogether neglected their study of the internet. To find a place for themselves quickly in a world that could conceivably pass them by. So, we look at improving our LinkedIn profiles, strengthening our professional networks, getting better in using Zoom for virtual meetings, which in combination, now service our lifeline that helps us build a brand, attract high-caliber professionals into our network, and build a business case for ourselves. Typically, the work is designed to boost your confidence, help people reconcile their value as professionals, and help them tell a better story.

4:43 What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding JD and his solution: A lot of times when they bring information about themselves in building up this profile which really turned into our most prize digital asset right now in the business universe. They default to say the language of the resume, or they're not bringing fresh, updated content of themselves. They're putting forward a stale presence, and there's nothing there to compel or motivate viewers of the page to take further action with them. I think heightening the intrigue kind of pushes a little bit their story above the waterline, especially those who engage with them can truly see their unique proposition and value.

5:36 JD’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): They can have a free, no obligation 30-minute conversation with me in the comfort of my zoom room.

5:53 JD’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): The offer is available as a landing page on my website, but they can directly message me through my LinkedIn profile and I'm searchable on LinkedIn under JD Gershbein. You can also go to my website at

6:36 What should I do or say when the microphone and the webcam go on? For people who are contemplating the use of video in their branding efforts, the key is to be rehearsed and polished, and come to the camera like you're totally convinced that you believe in the strength and value of your solutions.

We need to be more receptive on who's on the other side of our sales' pitch and we need to kind of defer the sales pitch and approach people from a place of true respect. altruism, empathy, and service” - JD Gershbein   

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