May 26

How to Turn Data into Action – in Just 7 Minutes With Matt Bailey

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • What to do and manage too much data
  • How to avoid data dump by knowing 4 essential elements
  • Get some insights of effective digital marketing training


Related Links and Resources:

If you go to Matt Bailey’s website: , you get prompted to download the paper and register in order to get his research paper called “Teaching Your Staffs New Skills."

He has another thing coming up, some free, some not free. It’s a developing a Digital Marketing Masterclass. If you're interested in that, fill-out the form, there's no obligation, but you do get a free white paper research report on 21st Century marketing skills that are in demand. Visit the site:


Matt Bailey has over 20 years’ experience in digital marketing. He has taught Google employees how to use Google analytics, taught Data visualization at Experian, data storytelling at Disney, and digital marketing workshops at Microsoft, HP, Orange Telecom and Lenovo.

He has a passion to produce confident and profitable marketers, who in turn, create profitable companies.

Here are the highlights of this episode:

1:20 Matt’s ideal Client: Anyone looking to train a team or themselves; to set a marketing strategy, develop coordinated communications, or simply improve their digital marketing skills

1:39 Problem Matt helps solve: The core problem is that there's too much data. When someone asks how's the campaign doing, they get a 30-page PPT report and it doesn't answer any questions. All it does is copy and paste, charts and graphs, from one system into the PowerPoint presentation and you somehow need to figure out what to do from that.

2:25 Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Matt: Anyone who has absolute frustration in dealing with data. In my workshops, I started out by asking people "what do you hate about data and analytics?". We spent about 15 minutes listing all the pain points! It's frustration and trust in the data, it's frustration with too much data. And the problem is, we get the data dumped, it gets dumped on us. And very few people can reduce the dumped into few essential measurements that actually answer the questions. And so that's what people wants, and that's a big pain point.

3:18 What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Matt and his solution: They either ignore it hoping it will go away, they will magically acquire the knowledge somehow in order to figure it out, or they just accept it that this is the way it is. Either I need to get smarter or I wish it will change but no one knows what to do.

4:03 Matt’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Stop the data dump! Don't accept it, reject it. First, set your business objective; what is profitability, market share, and increase customers. Now, how are you going to do that, that's your goal. If it's profitability, then your goal is to reduce cost and spend. Now you have a strategy. Establish and review your tactics that will evaluate your return on ad spend. Maybe your customer acquisition cost, cost per lead, and retention rate. By doing this, you've now replaced countless charts and graphs with 4 essential measurements that will immediately set a benchmark for evaluating and optimizing your campaigns to reduce ad spend which meets your business subjective of increasing profitability. Drop the hundreds of KPIs, find the four essential measurements.

5:25 Matt’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): I have two research papers. One is called "Teaching Your Staffs New Skills", how to evaluate training programs and how to implement them. If you go to my website:, you get prompted to download the paper and register. Now, I have another thing coming up, some free, some not free. I'm developing a Digital Marketing Masterclass.

If you're interested in that, fill-out the form, there's no obligation, but you do get a free white paper research report on 21st Century marketing skills that are in demand. The site is:

6:40 How do you find effective training? Most of the training in digital marketing industry is lecture-based. It was fine in the past. People always used new technology based on their knowledge of the old technology. People just created training videos of lectures. But people don't want to learn that way, they need to learn by doing and applying, and immediately getting feedback of what they did. So, my Masterclass is to develop training with hands-on workshops, minimal lecture, maximum coaching and people work in their own business as an assignment.

"STOP the data dump! Don't accept it, REJECT it" – Matt Bailey       

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