March 12

How to Propel Business Growth by Doing Customer Experience (CX) Right® – in Just 7 Minutes with Stacy Sherman

SBS Podcast, Uncategorized


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • How employees' experience is important to customer service
  • Mapping out a customer journey
  • Difference between customer experience and service


Related Links and Resources:

I would recommend where there's tons of blog articles, they're all 'how to' tips, every single one of them. There's a podcast show there that you'll find. There's a book 'Customer Experience 2' which I was a part of the book with 24 authors that you'll really understand from a lot of different views about doing it right. They can access it there.


Imagine always having amazing customer and employee experiences. That's Stacy Sherman's mission.

She's a business leader, mentor, Author, Forbes Writer. Blogger Podcaster about DOING Customer and Employee Experience Right as a brand differentiator.  Stacy is literally walking the talk.. By Day, she is the Director of CX & employee engagement at a large corporation and By night, she's helping people learn and apply CX best practices to gain loyalty and real results You can learn about her Heart & Science™️ approach at

Here are the highlights of this episode:

1:32 Stacy’s ideal Client: It is business growth entrepreneurs and midsize corporate leaders; it is everybody in business. Because we all have the opportunity to create amazing experiences for customers, for consumers, which we all are as well. We're all buying products and services. So, it impacts us in many ways. 

2:06 Problem Stacy helps solve: Frustration; people are having such frustration and they're losing patience too. To be able to get what they want to do. It's not simple, it's not easy. And so, it doesn't have to be that way. Doing customer experience right which involves employees. When employees have good experiences, they pay it forward to the customer. We don't need to be frustrated at all.

3:08 Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Stacy: If anyone is really not sure why their customers are either leaving or they're posting on social media bad reviews, that's where I come in. It's really to understand what it is you're doing or not doing and that's where I can really advise. And there's a whole methodical way of doing that. That's what I do day by day in how I can help others understand the best practices to measure and do something with those insights.

4:04 What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Stacy and her solution: They do exactly that, they try to solve it from the inside of the company view themselves instead of talking to the customer and asking the customer what do they need and what do they want. So, it's important to map out a customer journey, walk-in the customer's shoes. Design what the experience would be and then go validate it with a real customer, so you'll understand the gaps.

4:48 Stacy’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): I recommend reading a lot about customer experience. Connect with people like me who are advisors on how to do it right. There's a 'crawl, walk, run' approach which is my belief. You just have to start; you don't have to worry about all these methodical ways of doing it. Sometimes you just get the basics right. Get really smart, and there's actually University courses now that are offering certification. I highly encourage it and if anybody wants to know about that, I can share. It's really a good way to get those actionable things that you can do.  

5:49 Stacy’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): I would recommend where there's ton of blog articles, they're all 'how to' tips, every single one of them. There's a podcast show there that you'll find. There's a book 'Customer Experience 2' which I was a part of the book with 24 authors that you'll really understand from a lot of different views about doing it right. They can access it there.

6:39 Is customer experience the same as customer service? The answer is NO, the answer is absolutely not. And people use it interchangeably, but don't do that. Customer service has been around forever, and it's really important. But that's when a customer needs help. And they have to either call a 1-800 number or variety of ways. Customer experience is a much bigger, broader approach to business where customer service is 'one piece' of the entire journey.

When employees have good experiences, they pay it forward to the customer" – Stacy Sherman 

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