December 30

How to Generate More Leads Using a Lead Generation Master System – in Just 7 Minutes with Michael C. Bertoni

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • The right way to brand yourself online
  • How can you connect with people
  • Knowing how to target the right audience


Related Links and Resources:

Everybody who connects with me online on LinkedIn ( and just mentions 'Bill Show' I will give them a free LinkedIn Evaluation. So, everybody who connects with me and says "hey, I found you through Bill" I will work with you for half an hour and I will help you update your LinkedIn, meaning I will set up a webinar, and I will say "this is how you should update your LinkedIn."


Michael C. Bertoni is "THE MOST CONNECTED TECHNOLOGIST". He's the Founder & CEO of PhillyTech, has over 17,000 1st connections on LinkedIn, 50,000+ views of his LinkedIn posts monthly, his own weekly show called Tech Talks, which gets 25,000+ views monthly, a Software and HealthTech Meetup with over 1600 members, 50+ clients, an active database of 10,000+ software and hi-tech companies, 100,000+ tech professionals and 20+ years of expert experience in these markets.

His 6 year old company PhillyTech powers on BRANDS (software, hi-tech, knowledge workers) and are industry leaders in helping them HIRE talent, BUILD software products, SELL and generate leads.

Here are the highlights of this episode:

1:52 Michael’s ideal Client: Very great story here Bill just with the pandemic. About 6 months ago, I would have said software companies, tech startups, tech enabled companies, technology service companies. But what has happened with the pandemic/COVID is I had a pivot; so now my businesses are focused on helping solopreneurs, small businesses, and people that need to generate leads online. I'm super passionate about lead generation, it's really my super power. It's been that way since I was back in about 1997 when I started a business. It shifted, I work with consultants, I work with solopreneurs, I work with small businesses, but then again, my ideal would still be software companies.

3:06 Problem Michael helps solve: Couple things; one is that branding at a high level. When you're trying to brand yourself online, typically you have your website, you have your LinkedIn, you might have other tools, but there is no place that you could go to today where somebody can understand what you do in about 5 seconds. So, that's very critical. Everybody has a short tension span, and you need to be able to explain this to somebody when they look at something in a few seconds "this is what I do, and this is how I can help you", that's challenge number one. Challenge number two is "how do I brand myself on these social platforms; on LinkedIn, on Twitter, on Facebook? How do I get my brand out there and help my audience?". And the third biggest thing is along the lines of generating leads, like "how do I get these leads in the door in this process? How do I do it? I know that I need to talk to people but how do I do this?"

4:37 Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Michael: I have a client the other day say this: I need to connect with people. Bill it's easy for you, it's easy for myself but what I'm learning is, there are hundreds and thousands of solopreneurs and small businesses that are like "I need to connect with people; I need to get out there, I need to talk about my company, I need to connect" I had somebody say this to me the other day (a client) "Mike, we just need to figure out how to connect with each other.. gosh, that is so beautiful, I'm going to use that!". That's the big thing, you're sitting there and saying "business has dropped off, I'm having challenges, I got to connect with people.. how do I connect with people?"

5:52 What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Michael and his solution: I think the biggest thing in the whole process is targeting the right audience. When somebody ask you the question "who is your ideal customer?" (you asked me that before we start) I know who my ideal customer is, you have to understand your ideal customer and you have to target them. I have a system by which you target them but the most important thing is "ok, who is my best customer? I need to target and connect with these people because they are my best customer. I have great stories to tell them, I can do great things for them."

6:56 Michael’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): I think the one single, biggest, easiest thing that people can do is if they really go through and update their LinkedIn profile and make their LinkedIn profile great. LinkedIn is so powerful; if everybody goes to my LinkedIn Michael C. Bertoni, maybe I can be doing it better. But you have to brand yourself on LinkedIn, you got to have a great picture, and you got to have a background image. If everybody spent one hour updating their LinkedIn profile and then telling their network "hey, I just updated my LinkedIn profile" and a lot of times it does it automatically. That single thing will generate leads for you.

8:13 Michael’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Everybody who connects with me online on LinkedIn ( and just mentions 'Bill Show' I will give them a free LinkedIn Evaluation. So, everybody who connects with me and says "hey, I found you through Bill" I will work with you for half an hour and I will help you update your LinkedIn, meaning I will setup a webinar, and I will say "this is how you should update your LinkedIn."

9:04 So what’s the value here? Nobody does anything unless there's value. First, there is a challenge. If people don't have challenges around lead generation, don't reach out to me. So, the major challenge and the value. And the answer to this is, the value is up to 500% more leads. I have clients that I've worked with that were generating 'zero' leads, so it's a massive growth just by generating a few. But the value proposition is more leads but then also when you work with me it's not all about leads; leads is I feel the most important thing, you have to have leads come in the door. I also help you optimize your sales process. So, once you're getting leads in the door, like "how did that meeting go? Tell me how you did that". The most important thing in your business is getting leads in the door, the second is optimizing the sales process, you close business.

I'm super passionate about lead generation, it's really my super power" – Michael C. Bertoni 

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