December 7

How to Create A Conveyor Belt of Qualified Leads Itching to Pay You What You’re Worth… Without Spending a DIME on Marketing or Advertising!– in Just 7 Minutes with Terri Levine

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Scaling your business and having time of your own
  • Stop following what everybody else's doing and learn to market right
  • Creating 'consumer awareness' guide


Related Links and Resources:

She recently conducted a masterclass, a training to literally teach people on how to get a conveyor belt of leads. That is at If you just go to and it says 'start here' and you can find it there as well.


Terri Levine is the founder of Heart-repreneur® and is a business marketing consultant who assists businesses worldwide with business growth, sales, and marketing. She has more than 40 years of business experience, encompassing work with more than 6,000 business owners and entrepreneurs in a variety of industries. She is also a bestselling author of dozens of books, has her own radio and TV show, and is also a keynote speaker.

Terri has a passion for helping businesses to grow with her own personal experience gained while building multiple successful businesses from the ground up. Terri has created the Heart-repreneur® cause teaching business owners to do business heart-to-heart. Terri conducts training seminars, programs, helping entrepreneurs become more profitable and increase their bottom line. She is passionate about speaking to business owners about what tactics they can do to skyrocket their business.

Here are the highlights of this episode:

2:02 Terri’s ideal Client: I work with people that own service businesses of any type. They're not a product just service and in particular, I work with a lot of Doctors and other professionals. As long as it's a service, I can help.

2:23 Problem Terri helps solve: They really have two problems; the first problem is that they haven't really able to scale their business. So, either they're stagnant or they don't really have time of their own. They have their business to a level where it's producing the income they want; however, they're giving up for each time.

2:58 Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Terri: First of all, they usually feel 'some lack'; lack of time with their kids, maybe their appearance, maybe with their family or family vacation, so their big problem is lack of time. Second, they're typically frustrated; no matter what marketing they seem to do, either it doesn't work or is very costly or they barely get ahead. They feel struggles, frustration, even some anxiety perhaps, they're not sleeping well at night. If we're diagnosing 'symptoms', we're looking for struggle, frustration, overwhelm and a real yearning to have more time and live life more fully.

4:05 What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Terri and her solution: Well the first thing is, is that most of them really don't know how to do marketing. They didn't get trained in marketing, they didn't study marketing, and so they just follow whatever everybody else’s doing and they hope that that's right. They use things such as expensive Facebook ads, or paper clip, or they send out massive emails, and they're wasting time. money, and even energy on branding, on logos, on social media that literally is not what's going to move the needles. Stop following what everybody else's doing and learn to market right.

4:53 Terri’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): That's really a pretty easy thing to do. You want to create what's called 'consumer awareness' guide. It's not a marketing piece, it really is a guide so it could be the top 5 mistakes people make when going to see a doctor or the type 8 mistakes that people make when going to a dentist. And you literally just tackle each of one of those mistakes and you tell the solution. And at the very end you say "this consumer awareness guide was brought to you by.." whatever the name your company is. And you put that on the landing page, it literally can take two seconds to get up there. Doesn't have to be a work of art, very simple consumer awareness guide. It's a great thing for people to download and for you to build an email list and start conversations with.

6:02 Terri’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): What I did I recently conducted a masterclass, a training to literally teach people on how to get a conveyor belt of leads. Because your business needs to have fresh leads every single day for the lifetime of your business. Most people don't know how so I actually teach exactly how to do it step by step at no cost, and that is what I'm giving away. That is at If you just go to and it says 'start here' and you can find it there as well.

7:06 What is heart-repreneur? What does it have to do with any of this? I do want to answer that. I have developed for myself several different multi-million dollar businesses and until I realized that there was a consistent under pinning to all of them I didn't have to teach this to the people that I mentor. Heart-repreneur literally is disrupting how most people do business. We stop selling truly, we stop marketing, and everything we do is heart-centered on making a better experience for our prospects, for our customers, our clients, our patients. Doing this with heart, with transparency, integrity, and authenticity for customers, clients, prospects, patients, as well as our vendors, as well as everybody in our team. And by doing this, we do business differently, we scale, and we help more people. That is what you need to know.

Everything we do is heart-centered on making a better experience for our prospects, for our customers, our clients, our patients" – Terri Levigne 

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