December 16

How to Achieve Constant Growth with Resilient Leadership and High-Performance Teams – in Just 7 Minutes with Sebastian Schieke

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • You have to transition from the expert to a manager, and then ultimately transition to an entrepreneurial business owner.
  • Think about what can you do to eliminate yourself from this business.
  • Most of the time we are the chokehold of the business because we can not let go.


Related Links and Resources:

Sabastian's Gift to you:

Valuable Free Resource (VFR):


Sebastian Schieke is an Entrepreneur, CEO Mentor+Coach, Business Angel, and Investor. He founded, ran, and grew multiple 7-figure companies. He invests in Startups, mentor and coach CEOs, and help them to move their teams forward. He has also gone through challenging times. He knows what it takes and how to get there, taught by business and life and not only through seminars and books.

Learn more here:

“Fear missing the opportunity more than you fear the failure" – Aaron Walker 

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