July 9

Fish a Stocked Pond: How to Build Community to Grow Your Business – In Just 7 Minutes With Gini Dietrich

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • How an effective marketing and PR online can affect sales
  • Learning about the PESO model (Paid, Earned, Shared, and Owned)
  • An insight about how marketing can be measured using the PESO model


Related Links and Resources:

Join their free community at www.spinsucks.com/spin-sucks-community. They discuss problems to solved, talk about all things about marketing and communication, and PESO model of course.


Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She also has run, built, and grown an agency for the past 14 years.

She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.

Here are the highlights of this episode:

1:14 Gini’s ideal Client: Our ideal client is anyone who needs help with marketing or PR, particularly online. In the last decade now, we sort of figured out that doing stuff online is measurable, it gives you the data that you need to be successful and it allows you to see what kinds of things are affecting sales.

1:45 Problem Gini helps solve: It depends who we are working with. For a business owner who might help them figure out how to grow their organizations. For a communicator or marketer, we help them figure out how to develop a fully integrated PESO model program which is a process that we developed. And for more sophisticated marketer, we help them take their intellectual property and create a product around it. So, taking, thinking, and create something tangible out of it.

2:21 Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Gini: I feel like I'm going back in the days of working through the heaven and hell of our brand persona is. Typical things would be like growth is stalled, or somebody is held accountable to business goals but they can't measure that, they don't know how to measure it, they don't know how the work that they're doing is affecting goals. Their marketing isn't selling, or they're very desperately need to work with sales but don't know how. Those are the typical ones.

3:08 What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Gini and her solution: I often joke that there must be some school that entrepreneurs go to and they're taught that if they're hire a PR firm and they pay $5,000 a month, and they get featured stories and get TechCrunch in the NY Times, they will become the next Mark Zuckerberg. It's not how it works. As a communicator by trade, I would be perfectly blunt with you; featured stories and your targeted media outlets are great for awareness, they help you build trust, they help you build relationships, when you are out in the golf course again, your buddies would be like "I saw that featured article on you, that was fantastic!" it's great for those things but it won't sell for you. I think that's the biggest mistake, is that we expect some silver bullet and that's not how it works.

4:15 Gini’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Do you research on the PESO model; so that's Paid, Earned, Shared, and Owned media. And the best way to start is Spinsucks which is my website, because we're the cocreators of the model. We have tons of free content to help you understand what it is, how it works, and how you can use it to reach your marketing goals and integrate it with sales so you can actually do a great organization.

4:56 Gini’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): We have a free community, where these types of problems are solved, and we talk about all things about marketing and communication, and PESO model of course. You can find that specific thing at spinsucks.com/spin-sucks-community.

5:34 Tell us a little bit more about the PESO model and what it's benefit to a business leader? The PESO model it’s a Paid: social media, advertising, google ads, things like that, Shared: social media, Earned: media relations, so getting into TechCrunch in NY Times and those, Owned: Content. It's a process that's fully integrated and measurable. I'm a business owner and marketer so combining those two things has really help us helped other business owners understand that the things that we do for a marketing prospective can affect sales, we just have to know how to implement them correctly. That's what the PESO model would do.

For the insight about how marketing can be measured using the PESO model, there are a few things, and there's definitely follow a funnel. At the very top you have the 'vanity metrics' like fans, followers, website traffic and all those kinds of things telling you if those things are working. And then as you come down the funnel is a 'prospect', are they reading your blog, downloading content, are they listening to your podcast, are they watching your videos. And then at the very bottom, are they asking for a demo, are they filling-up a contact task form, are they asking for an estimate. So, you can follow that exactly through the process based on the type of marketing that you're doing.

"As a communicator by trade, I would be perfectly blunt with you; featured stories and your targeted media outlets are great for awareness but it won't sell for you"” – Gini Dietrich

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