November 9

Are YOU Sales Team Ready? – in Just 7 Minutes with Jim Padilla

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Having a good strategy, system, and process
  • Narrow your market from a clear messaging perspective
  • Importance of treating people as if they already paid you


Related Links and Resources:

 Jim is giving away 29 online event ideas for creating revenue online, and check it at 


As founder of Gain The Edge, Jim Padilla is known in the personal development and business coaching world as the go-to-guy for all things sales. With their army of heart-centered sales rock-stars Jim and his wife Cyndi partner with top industry leaders to help exponentially increase their online launch, and back-of-room revenue. Jim has created a strategic sales system and a sales force to be reckoned with! His team averages over 25,000 sales conversations per year in a variety of different formats. Gain The Edge is the secret weapon of choice for many industry experts; anchoring over $100 Million in sales for the likes of Josh Turner, Justin Livingston, Lisa Sasevich, and Bill Baren. Jim is a master collaborator whose purpose is to help entrepreneurs leverage the power of collaboration to scale their business so they can impact the world the way they intended. Jim is known for instilling into his sales team… “it’s not what you say, it’s who you are when you say it". 

Here are the highlights of this episode:

Jim has interestingly told us that their ideal client is not about "who" but "when", it's more legacy-minded professionals that recognize they're at a place where doing their own sales is not the best use of their time. Because of this, they're spending so much time running the transaction of their business, but they wanted to spend time serving their clients. You shouldn't have to decide "Should I serve my clients or do I get more clients?". Jim says that it should happen naturally with good strategy, system, and process. You know that there are things that you want to be doing or ways to serve better but you're pulled in different directions. 

The mistake he sees is that a lot want to get that 'free hack' or things they see on social media, attending webinars, and so on. You really need to get clear and resonate with somebody and go deep with them to understand all the moving parts, why they do what they do, and not just what you think they're doing from the outside. People should ask themselves "how do I know what works best for me?". He wants everyone to realize each has a very unique way of solving problems for the people that they serve, but the problem is they don't properly communicate or articulate it very well. Give yourself permission to not be a salesperson professional but just be an optimistic human who cares about other people and speaks the truth and love. Trust your instincts to go there because if you do, you will have a massive breakthrough. Treat people like they already paid you because they will pay you.

Jim’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Understanding that if you just narrow your market from a clear messaging perspective, and be crystal clear that your offer is actually the solution to the pain point that they're expressing, then you will go a long way to being able to hand that off. The more connected the ideal market is to the perfect offer, they don't have to become a major influential bad-ass offer for you.

If you can learn to treat people like they already paid you before they paid you, guess what? They'll pay you" – Jim Padilla

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