October 19

How to find FLOW in your work using the Task Quotient – in Just 7 Minutes with Kevin Gazzara

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • The real problem that we're solving is we're stopping the high turnover and improving the low level of employee engagement
  • Why the tendency to just throw money at the workforce is usually a good short term fix but it really makes the problem worse in the long term.
  • Why all tasks are not created equally and do not have the same bottom line value.


Related Links and Resources:

Kevin's Gift to you:

The Task Quotient (TQ) Assessment

Get yours here:



Dr. Kevin Gazzara is an ICF certified coach, and a certified Positive Intelligence (PQ) Mental Fitness coach. Kevin has taught Management and Leadership development in the corporate world during his 18 years at Intel Corporation and as a University professor at 6 Universities for the last 26 years. Today, he is the Senior Partner of Magna Leadership Solutions founded in 2007, and the coauthor of the acclaimed book “The Leader of OZ”.

Learn more at: 


“Fear missing the opportunity more than you fear the failure" – Aaron Walker 

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