June 3

How to Build An Agency From Scratch Over The Last 15 Years – Darren Magarro

BBS Podcast



What you need to know about our guest:

The majority of Darren Magarro's time at DSM is spent as a brand ambassador on behalf of clients as well as the agency. He enjoys mentoring business owners and members of our team at the office. He's been told that he is a nexus. He loves connecting good people to other good people. The goal at DSM is to help clients grow their businesses?

Related Links:

Company site: https://thedsmgroup.com/

Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-dsm-group/

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/darrenmagarro/

Company Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheDSMGroup

Company Twitter: https://twitter.com/theDSMgroup

Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/darrenmagarro

Company Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedsmgroup/

Email: [email protected]

The Final Question We Like To Ask Darren:

"What great value will you give to our audience?"


The value to your audience, for folks that are starting or growing a business, if you are young, I would say listen to people. You think you know everything.

I was always the CEO, I was always the Founder and I thought I had to have every answer and you don't. I've learned that over time as you mature, you get to understand. It's okay to say "I gotta get back to you on this. I don't have the answer." I used to think I needed to know all the answers and that was where my value lied.

While you're out there growing the business, while you're out there enjoying what you do, make sure that you're listening and that's a key component to being successful. No matter what you do, you're not going to know everything.

“As you're going through it, and you're starting, you're going to fail. You're going to be judge on how you get up not how you fail because everybody does it." – Darren Magarro

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