July 19

Secrets of Writing a Book for your Business – in Just 7 Minutes with Pat Iyer

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Learning the value of writing a book
  • Knowing what's the 'wallet biopsy'
  • The high-income opportunities in writing a business book


Related Links and Resources:

Go to my website www.patiyer.com and I have a number of free reports that are available on the home page, tools that I put together, checklists and reports to help you in writing a book. Also on my blog, I have episodes of "writing to get business podcasts" which is designed to interview authors and talk about their journey in writing a book.


Pat Iyer is a consultant, speaker, author, editor and coach. She has written or edited 49 of her own books. She delights in assisting people to share their expertise by writing a book. Pat serves entrepreneurs as an editor, ghostwriter, and producer of online courses. Pat is the host of Writing to Get Business podcast, broadcast on the C Suite Radio Network, the largest business podcast network in the world.

Here are the highlights of this episode:

Pat's ideal client would be working with business owner or entrepreneur who knows the value of writing a book for authority, credibility, and invincibility. They understand that a business book can open the doors to opportunity and they are ready to make a commitment to writing a book. The problem is, they have the motivation but sometimes they lack the knowledge. Their end goal is to write a book but they see it as a daunting task or there's so many obstacles in doing so. They ask themselves if they have enough time, can they make a commitment, and so on. They worry that it may not be good enough or perhaps nobody will buy the book. But Pat says it's even worse when they actually stall or do nothing because they face the fear of procrastination. Another one is when they get pulled-in by 'vanity' publishers whose objective is to sign up authors but not their objective to sell books. People often think that they're going to get rich through their book sales which is true if you are a celebrity. What makes you money is when you write a business book is the opportunities that it opens for you. The higher income opportunities are coaching, consulting, speaking, creating online courses, as well as running a membership program. Those 5 opportunities flow very nicely when you have the content from your book. 

Pat’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Make a commitment to yourself; think about what you want to accomplish. If you say "now is the time" then you take that journey with the first step. Start a book by identifying who want to write for, what do you want to cover, and start developing an outline. There's really no ideal time in writing a book. You need to tell yourself "This is important to me. I'm going to block off a time, I'm going to do this, I'm going to get started."

It's not the book per se that makes the big bucks; it's what you do for your business and how you position that book in the opportunities that flow that gives you the true reward financially" – Pat Iyer

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