March 22

Making Sense of Online Marketing – in Just 7 Minutes with Michelle Nedelec

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Why you need to set all things in automation
  • How to face your 'tech demons'
  • Know something about the CRM product called "Keap Max Classic"


Related Links and Resources:

Michelle is giving a cool offer to all listeners; a program which will do web audit for your site. It gives you what's going right, what's going wrong, what needs immediate attention, what potentially can make it a lot more money, and you can just take this and utilize it yourself or give it to your marketing team and get them to implement the changes for you. The easiest way to get that is go to


International bestselling author, Michelle Nedelec is an expert in Entrepreneurialism and the founder of Awareness Strategies.  She’s run her own series of companies for over 22 years and for over 15 years has been helping Sales reps, Entrepreneurs, and Executives to continually double their profits and revenues.

She teaches the key components of scaling a business: Strategy, Systems, Support, and State of Mind so you know how to continually elevate all four components to build a healthy thriving business.  For the past 6 years, she’s been focusing on helping entrepreneurs bring their businesses online from conceptualization to Done For You IT automation.

Here are the highlights of this episode:

1:12 Michelle’s ideal Client: My ideal client is somebody that's been around, we call them 'five cube'; so, they at least have 5 employees, they are making around 5 million in revenue and they've been around for 5 years. Those companies usually get to the point where they've got what we call 'Frankeinware software' in their systems. So, they got this little piece offer that does that, and this one that does that...and they put it all together and they hope that works. Somebody does an update and one of them fails, you don't know why or where and they're just not efficient anymore. It's time to come in and do an over halt and make things right so that they can automate their business and the marketing.

2:14 Problem Michelle helps solve: It's lack of automation. When we go into a company and we say "how do you do that" and they say manually, will they tell them that's not good anymore. It might have worked in the 60s, might have worked in the 70s, you'd probably push it in the 80s but in 2020 and beyond year, you have got to start looking at automating. So, what we do is help the system integrate so that your employees become more efficient and they're getting the work done faster.

3:02 Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Michelle: Well, we basically slay their 'tech demons'; if somebody has this 'terror' and they go "oh, I just have to do this on a computer but I'm going to postponed, I'm going to take care of that later" because some people are actually terrified. They don't want to break their systems, they don't know what's going on with it, and they don't want to look inside the box because something might break. Those people we help the most because we go in and we help them and show them, and bring some relief to them so that they know what they're doing in essence. And if it's done for, you program and we just take it over and make it work. Then they go "oh, thank God!" they feel stress relief, they feel refreshed, they can go on and do their thing that is their jam. This is what we deal with and sometimes it's absolute frustration. People who hate making support calls and when soon somebody starts talking in acronyms to them, and they're like "uuh I have no idea what you're saying, I don't know what you're asking." 

4:36 What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Michelle and her solution: Often times when try to do it on their own, they're either using a system that under functions what they needed to do in order to make things work, or they'll get the right software but they're underutilizing it or they're doing it wrong. So, they ended up with broken systems that just don't function logically or in the right way. It's often a problem with entrepreneurs tend to be highly efficient; "I'm just out to shake hands, let me talk to the people and get stuff done, I'm going to be good." Those ones usually fall flat on their face when it comes to doing the technical aspects required in marketing. And we want to be able to help to just "go do your jam, go and write the content, talk to your peeps, record those videos." But as soon as it comes to uploading and figuring out who has to pay for what, when, where, let somebody else's do it.

5:52 Michelle’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): I guess figuring out their ideal clients, ideal journey. So, where is your ideal client hanging out, are they reading newspapers or are they on Snapchat? Are they somewhere in between? Because you can't market to both and get the same audience. It's a waste of time and effort. Figuring out who your ideal client is, where they hangout, how they like to consume information, how do you like to deliver information and how you can make that your sweet spot. If you're a writer and your audience read, then write. If you're a visualizer and your audience have a short attention span, do a video. Really know who you like, work with and just make that match. And usually what I found is, is that there is a very simple of what I call their "ladder of ascension" for their products. They get a little freebie and they go "oh, I like this. How do we get more of you" and then you give them 27 dollars, 200 to 4,000 dollars or something, but you have this perfect path for that person to follow so that it will become super easy for them to buy and get involved with you online.

7:20 Michelle’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): This is one off the coolest offers I've found and it does a web audit for you. You go on in, just give your name and your website and it pops out a 36x42 page however long it takes to analyze your website. It gives you what's going right, what's going wrong, what needs immediate attention, what potentially can make it a lot more money, and you can just take this and utilize it yourself or give it to your marketing team and get them to implement the changes for you. People have noticed huge revenue results from that. The easiest way to get that is go to

8:21 What is the simplest way to get the marketing done and off my hands? There are a few things that you need to do to be able to do that. One is WordPress site. Two is we use a thing called Thrive Architect on our website and it makes it super easy for you or your VA to go on change pictures, change text, keep your site updated. That will allow the text to have all the functionality they need in order to be able to create and grow whatever you need there. So, it's a scaleable system. We also use our CRM product called Keap Max Classic and that has some of the most robust functionality in the industry. A lot of people would say "yeah but I don't need that much" "yes" you do need that much; you shouldn't be in the software trying to figure that out because that's not your jam. Let's take over that part of it and you go do your jam. That is the simplest way to get your emails out, to keep track of your follow-ups so you're not losing follow-ups, you're on track of your client system in knowing where they are in the funnel; if they're buyers, if they're not buyers, if they're interested in other sorts of things or what they're exactly interested in. Your team can then support that function or not whether it's online content or otherwise you know the data and where it is.                

If you're a writer and your audience read, then write. If you're a visualizer and your audience have a short attention span, do a video. Really know who you like you work with and just make that match" – Michelle Nedelec 

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