December 14

How to leverage the power of LinkedIn to crush your professional or business goals in 2021 – in Just 7 Minutes with Lynnaire Johnston

SBS Podcast


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • How LinkedIn can help bring leads and business in the company
  • Importance of showing up and engaging with people
  • How LinkedIn offers opportunity to learn


Related Links and Resources:

I have in fact a free E-book that is all about building a compelling LinkedIn profile in 13 easy steps, and it is available on my website which is And people can sign up, I send out information about LinkedIn on an irregular basis when there is something to talk about, so they can sign up for that as well.


Lynnaire Johnston is an internationally recognised expert in the art of using LinkedIn to help business owners achieve professional success. Whether they are looking to be known as the expert in their field, drive customers and leads, or meet and network with those at the highest echelons of their industry – LinkedIn can help them do that. And through her new book, Link∙Ability, Lynnaire explains how. Lynnaire is ranked the No. 1 LinkedIn expert in her native New Zealand, which according to Big Seven Travel is home to the world’s sexiest accent (

Here are the highlights of this episode:

1:42 Lynnaire’s ideal Client: Well, my ideal client is exactly the kind of person who listens to your amazing podcast. These are small to medium business owners, they might be solopreneurs with or without teams, but they are businesses that understand that there is a place for social media and business social media in the E-marketing. And these are companies Bill that want to do more with LinkedIn, they want to harness the power of LinkedIn but they're just not sure how to go about it and what's the best way to achieve these results.

2:24 Problem Lynnaire helps solve: I find it that a lot of people don't really understand how to use LinkedIn so that's the technical side of it which can be a bit tricky because there's an awful lot to learn and they keep changing it. But the other side of it is what to do with LinkedIn to be able to reach the clients, the audience, the potential business partners. And so my role is to help those people find ways to do this so it brings in leads, it brings in business to the companies, and so that will be able them to promote themselves, promote the business, and to be seen out there in the LinkedIn community which is not a big one; 710+ million members, that's 102.

3:34 Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Lynnaire: If they look at LinkedIn and see people that are doing well who have a great profile, getting good numbers on their post in terms of engagement and reach. They're telling stories about how their LinkedIn is really doing well and the kind of people that they are now doing business with. Those are the kind of people who might go "I think I might need a bit of help with this" because there is a lot to learn about LinkedIn. It has got a lot of many different features and to do it well requires knowledge, requires practice, and it requires consistency, you need to show up on a regular basis. And the people who do that, do really well on LinkedIn but it does require that commitment. Otherwise people go very quickly and you don't kind of not get that long tail effect, it's like meeting somebody in a networking meeting and never getting in touch with them again.

4:58 What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Lynnaire and her solution: I think the main problem is that they expect instant results; LinkedIn doesn't work like that, it takes time. And I think that in today's world, we seem to want to have success today, we're not willing often to put on the hard work over a long period of time to become known, to build our reputation, to gain credibility, and to build that trust with people. And so, I feel that the main thing that people forget to do is just to show up, and they need to engage with people because it will be like going to a networking meeting, sitting in a corner and wondering why nobody is talking to you. So, you need to get out there and share yourself, share your information; be a giving, sharing person on LinkedIn. And I think if you do those two things you'll get a long way on LinkedIn.

6:10 Lynnaire’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): It's very simple; they need a compelling LinkedIn profile. It starts and stops there. The profile is a bedrock on what other LinkedIn work is based. If you have a compelling profile that showcases your skills, talks about your achievements, has good resources on it that people can use and again shows that you are a giving, sharing person. It's visually attractive that makes people want to stop and find out more about you. If you got a good compelling profile then that's the big thing that you need to have to start with to get moving on LinkedIn.

7:04 Lynnaire’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): I have in fact a free E-book that is all about building a compelling LinkedIn profile in 13 easy steps, and it is available on my website which is And people can sign up, I send out information about LinkedIn on an irregular basis when there is something to talk about, so they can sign up for that as well.

7:58 Why should people be on LinkedIn? It's a question that I'm often asked particularly by the people who are new to the platform and don't quite understand it. With so many members on LinkedIn, it's the world's biggest free directory of businesses and business professionals. And I stress the word 'free' because that's really important for people to know. It allows you to meet, connect, and build relationships with business professionals and anyone who is in your industry that you look up to and wants to develop a relationship with. It offers you opportunities to learn, this is a nice bit of LinkedIn that I think that's often forgotten. There are a lot of experts on LinkedIn willing to share their knowledge. So, if you are a person that likes to learn, then LinkedIn is the place to go because people do share a lot of information. A very important point about LinkedIn is that when somebody googles your name, then your LinkedIn profile will be right up there at the top of the search results so you really want to have that really good profile. And the last point about this is that it's like a mini website, so if you don't want a website of your own or you want something that is personal to you, then that's what you can do with your LinkedIn profile. You can add so much material to it that really showcases your skills and your abilities in a great way. Everybody should be on LinkedIn.  

It's very simple; they need a compelling LinkedIn profile. It starts and stops there" –Lynnaire Johnston 

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