Your host is Bill Prater, founder of Business Mastery and creator of the Scaleology® Model


Live Demonstration of the Scaleology® Model

Everything you know about Leadership, everything you know about employees; and, everything you know about Business has been turned upside down. The old ways no longer work. You must change and quick. Let us show you how.

Are you experiencing, first hand, how the world we live in is entirely different?

It is like we are in an alternative universe.

There is a worldwide deficit in leadership. What used to be the norm about how to be a leader is failing miserably.

What used to be how things were marketed and sold—that's all changed as well.

Businesses that clung to the old way of doing things are going out of business or they are all ready gone.

Employees are contractors are not like they used to be. Right now there are 5 different generations in the workforce. They all must be managed different. You will fail if you try to treat them the same.

Technology is erasing millions of mid level jobs. Old job skills just don't cut it any more and your people are scared out of their wits.

Join us a sneak a peak under the hood of Bill Prater’s fine-tuned, well-oiled, smooth running leadership, business and team dynamic growth machine.

Let us demonstrate to you...

  • The transformation you’ll experience with this powerful business building system
  • The results previous clients just like you, enjoy every day with Scaleology®
  • The foundation of the model and precisely why it works

About Your Host


I'm  Bill Prater

A business owner, entrepreneur, publisher, author, speaker, consultant and coach. He is best known for long-term success in enabling business owners and leaders to quickly eliminate personal barriers, to rapidly reach their current dreams; and, to embark on a journey of business mastery.

During this free live training:

You will see firsthand, a total leadership, business and team transformational model that’s actually working, right now…

In this very moment…

For entrepreneurs, small business owners, anyone who is struggling to transform their business and their lives into an extra-ordinary one.

And once it is operational in your business, well that’s when the real fun begins.

Here is what it looks like…

You wake up first thing Monday morning and while sipping your cup of coffee, you open your dashboard and you feel a smile spread across your face as you see every team holding every team member accountable and:

  • Last month was the best month ever.
  • Everyone is producing great results.
  • Your business is growing rapidly.
  • You don’t have to go to any meetings.

Sounds good, right? It really is.

Results are all that counts.

What matters most are the results the Scaleology® system has created for hundreds of clients:

  • You may have noticed how the majority of business owners within the environment. When things are good, they do good. When things are bad, their companies suffer as well. The answer to that dilemma are so simple, yet so profoundly true, that you should be prepared for a flash of light of dazzling brightness when you learn it.
  • The three principles embodied by the industry leaders — hint; they do not apply or even pay attention to the industry standards. They operate with their own core principles —they know if you want to bark like a big dog, don’t meow like the cats.
  • Just Make The Coffee™ management — A live demo of how you can wake up at the start of every week and be greeted by your personal dashboard shining bright green with some of the best results your business has ever produced. And, knowing your only real job responsibility is making the daily coffee.