They decided to talk to Bill

Founder - SG3 Strategies
John Roth III
If you are looking for valuable assistance in achieving improvement at the highest levels of your organization, talk to Bill. Hands down the best I've worked with. He cares...and delivers.

Co-Founder - Maker Mamas
Lucy Robinson
Bill is prolific with wisdom, advice and guidance. He challenges his clients to set their sights on the top and he coaches them on how to get there. You will get results if you work with Bill, and you will have fun in the process.

Founder - Estate Homes, Inc.
Ken Cornett
Bill has been a great help to our companies through the years. Bill gave the companies a better structured system to achieve our business goals. Doing business with Bill was a great experience.

Perhaps talking to Bill would be good for you as well.
Taking an educated guess, I suspect you are an entrepreneur or a business owner and have had enough with working your fingers to the bone and getting the same old disappointing results time after time.
I also suspect you have decided to jump over all the others trying and failing to get to the next level and skip to the front of the line to get to the very top of your market.
Good call, because once you've the decision to make it happen, your whole world changes.
You will get to enjoy peace of mind, confidence and a sense of security, knowing with great certainty, that you have launched your business on the path to preeminence.
I can probably help you with that, but because I don't know you, I can't say for sure.
And you probably don't know me that well either.
So ... let's meet, get to know each other, and figure this thing out for you.
Here's a bit of a heads-up on what will happen when we meet.
First thing, I’ll ask you about your business, what your dream for the future looks like, where it’s at right now; and determine what gap you have to close.
That’s a taste of the types of questions I will be asking.
But, not fret about “getting ready” to talk to me.
In fact, I don’t want you to prepare. I want your answers to come from the front of your mind. Not after you have thought about it all in depth and planned out your responses.
After those few questions, I'll be in a position to identify what you need to do to position you and your businesses to close your gap at light speed.
And at that point, I’ll know if Scaleology® concepts (in some form or another) would be a good fit for your needs.
If it’s not the right thing for you (or me) I should be able to recommend something or someone else that would be a better fit for you at this time.
And if Scaleology® is a fit, we can talk about the different ways I work with clients.
Of course, you'll be able to ask me questions as well.
And just so you know in advance, the investment for working with me to embed the Scaleology® Model via one of our coaching programs is from as low as $1,950 up to $25,000 a month, depending on what your needs and desire for speed are.
If you happen to someone who likes to learn and implement by yourself, we have lower priced investments for you as well, but you do not need to talk to be to enroll in one of them.
I've tried to find a price point for almost everyone’s needs and desires. You can get the job done with any of our programs. However, the higher investment levels will help you get the results you are seeking faster.
Nonetheless, all our clients experience high returns on their investments and remain with us for very long periods of time.
If you decide you want to talk with me, here's what our meeting will NOT be...
Your 25-minute meeting is not some sort of “sales ambush” where you get your arm twisted and pushed into something that you don’t want.
That wouldn’t be fair on you and not my style in any event.
Instead, it’s an adult conversation with a singular focus of determining if Scaleology® would be right for you.
And while I'll identify the exact Scaleology® Program that would be a perfect fit for you and your business, the meeting isn't designed as a “Coaching Consult” where I tell you what to do and you go away and do it.
Frankly, if I allowed you to leave the meeting with that idea, I’d be doing you a disservice because you'd fail to implement effectively without expert guidance and coaching.
You know how it is … literacy isn't mastery … the map is not the territory … and all those truisms.
It's better that I'm upfront with you about what it takes to embed Scaleology®, rather than have you think you can implement on your own, and then end up frustrated and disappointed that the results were not what you wanted.
OK, here's what I need from you before you book a time to talk with me.
My entry level program, which is ideal for many business owners and entrepreneurs, starts at only $1,950.
Other programs run from $400 one time to $25,000 a month, and it may well be that we'll talk about some of these options if they're relevant to you, but we'll figure that out together based on your needs and your ability to invest.
So … if you can afford at least the minimum level, I’m comfortable with setting aside my normal $1,000 an hour fee, to see if I have something that can help you and that fits your budget.
(And yes, the $1,000 an hour is real. In fact, I average a lot more than that.)
The only thing I ask in return is that you come to the meeting seriously committed to embed business scaling systems into your business and that you can afford for us to work together if we agree that it’s a good idea for you.
Otherwise, there really is no point in us meeting. Here’s why…
If we both agree that Scaleology® is a good fit but you can’t afford to make the investment then you’ll be disappointed.
Plus, I will end up frustrated myself.
So, if you are comfortable with those stipulations, I’ll really look forward to meeting you.
Finally, whatever conclusion we come to at the end of our chat, I want you to feel excited and confident about your future, not frustrated and disappointed.
So please read the following declarations to confirm that your expectations are in line with what will happen on our call.
The Four Agreements
Yes, I understand that the primary reason for meeting with Bill will be to figure out if there is a fit between my desire to dynamically scale my business and what he offers. It is therefore not a free coaching session but neither is it some sort of sales pitch.
I confirm that if Bill and I agree that working together is a good idea, I'm ready to start in the next few weeks (otherwise it's best to book a chat when you are ready to start).
I am aware that Bill’s programs are priced at $1,950, $4,500 and $12,500 and I confirm that should we agree that Scaleology® is a fit for my needs, I can afford the minimum fee.
I confirm that I have either attended a Scaleology® demo webinar already and if not then I commit to reviewing Bill’s ten minute replay version of the demo before our meeting (a link to will be provided in your meeting confirmation email).