Great! I am looking forward to our interview!

Important: Please upload a good headshot of you. Please upload one right here.

Your time and date are tentative and will be confirmed once we receive the Assets we need for the show. The short list of requirements is down the page just a bit. You probably have them all close at hand, so submit them right away.

So that you are able to maximize your time and marketing results on the interview here are a few things you need to know.

Our clients are entrepreneurs and owners of small and medium-sized private companies. Their privately owned businesses are typically in the 6 to 9 figure revenue range. They generally have at least one level of management and tend to be team-centric vs. boss-centric.

We know you are going to be a fantastic guest on the "Supercharging Business Success" (SBS) series.

Here's why:

The mission of Supercharging Business Success is to bring our subscribers timely, engaging short episodes designed to add rocket fuel to their quest to convert their business into something extraordinary or better. You are one of the world-class experts providing them with immediately actionable tips, tools, and techniques.

Provided the interview goes well, it will be distributed to tens of thousands of people and we'll publish at least seven long-lasting backlinks to your nominated landing page.

Assets Needed: (note: You have already provided the first four to us. If you would like to change anything, let us know)

  •  The Title for your interview. Good formats might be: "How to _______ "; or "Why ________ "; or "Secrets of ________ ".
  • Your name and tagline. Could be simply your title, but you may want to juice it up.
  • Please be certain Bill has the copy you would like him to read when he introduces you.
  • Please create a special landing page so you can collect emails and deliver your *Valuable Free Resource (VFR)* to our clients.
  • A good headshot of you. Please upload one right here.

It is critical to get the above list of assets to [email protected] so we can confirm your appointment. If we do not get them all three days before, we will cancel to give someone else the time to book that slot.

When  the interview commences and you'll have just seven minutes to answer the seven questions listed here:

  1. Who is your ideal client?
  2. What is the problem you solve?
  3. What are the typical symptoms people experience with that problem?
  4. What are the common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem?
  5. What is one Valuable Free Action (VFA) that the audience can implement that will help them solve that problem?
  6. What is one Valuable Free Resource (VFR) that you can direct people to that will further help with that problem? (Make sure you have a landing page for this specific use.)
  7. What’s the one question that I should have asked you that would give great value to our audience? (And the answer please!) 

It is going to be great fun! See you soon.