Your Business Isn't Delivering The Money & Freedom You Expected

Tired of Having This Annoying Problem?

  • You founded or purchased your business to give you great annual cash flow and personal freedom, but...
  • You have struggled and struggled and aren't making as much money as you used to, and...
  • You are actually working longer and harder than you ever have in your life, plus...
  • Everything you have tried has cost you bundles of time and money, but did not work.

Hi, I'm Bill. Everyone refers to me as America's Business Alchemist™ for a reason = eliminating those problems and dynamically growing the triple bottom line. 

Frankly, The Deck Is Stacked Against You.

You probably already know nearly 90% of all small businesses have no employees at all.

Nearly 98% of small businesses have sales significantly lower than $1 million per year.

Over 80% of all small businesses have sales less than $100,000 per year. In most cases, that's less than they were making when they had that dreaded corporate job.

Nearly all small business owners state they are not receiving the benefits they originally envisioned when they founded or purchased their business.

The bottom line is, statistically you're extremely likely to be in the situation described in one or even all of those four statements above.

If you're like most entrepreneurs, you left some sort of corporate job in order to get personal freedom combined with abundant revenue and profit.

Perhaps you've been running your business for less than a year or maybe it's been one too or even 10 years. Be honest with yourself, in all of that time are you actually achieving the original objectives you set out to achieve?

On The Other Hand, 4% Of All Small Businesses Get 64% Of All The Revenue And Profit. 

And, less than 1% get over half. If you are open to the idea, let's discuss how you can get into that elite group yourself.

The Path To Preeminence and Beyond.

If you want to structure your business so it can double, triple, or 10x on an ongoing basis -- AND -- cut your personal time investment in half or more…

Then our “Triple Revenue Two Years In A Row” full-day business makeover can re-aim the strategic course and direction of your business, create a system to execute that strategy; and, build a high-performance team to help you do it.

Note: This Page Contains A Complete Description Of The “Scaleology® Model”, Presents Actual Client Testimonials - Plus Offers A Staggering Amount Of Additional Validation and Proof.

Here's what it's all about: Several times per year, I conduct intensive, private, and exclusive “develop and execute” strategy-based “Rapid-Results”, super-workshops. 

I limit each one to 25 maximum entrepreneurs attending. You’ll spend all day with me and your fellow participants discovering, building, and mastering proven tools, techniques, and processes to set your business up for massive, sustainable business revenue growth and profit improvement.

The Foundation For Continuous and Sustainable Dynamic Growth

Every business in the top 4% has these three foundational pillars you need to emulate to join their ranks.

A single, overriding core growth strategy.

A top to bottom system for executing that core strategy.

A solid and high-performance team delivering results.

During Our Next “Triple Revenue Two Years In A Row” Workshop, We Will Build:

  • Your vision for the future.
    We see if your “business worldview” is vibrant, sweeping, and right on point –– or needs to be replaced by a loftier and bigger vision.
  • Your unique strategy for growth.
    We examine all the possible strategies, reject the vast majority, and settle on the single one most likely to create the shortest path to your long-term vision.
  • Your game plan for the next 12 months.
    We build a custom, action-based, timeline-based game plan for doing what’s needed from the moment you return back to your business.
  • Your rapid-fire method for assembling all the resources your need.
    We determine the shortest, quickest and least expensive path to bring all the resources you need under your control.
  • Your system for executing that strategy.
    We help you learn, understand, and implement the Business Mastery System™ and make it a permanent, foundational component of our authentic accountability culture.
  • Your own high-performance team.
    We help you recognize, internalize, and organize your very own execution-support team members. And, we dismantle the idea "everyone needs to be on your payroll".
  • Your process for assuring long-term success.
    We introduce, demonstrate, and install a sustainable model of committing to and delivering on ever increasing "degrees of difficulty" goals.
  • Your roadmap for reducing your personal involvement.
    We show and convince you the exact path to maximizing the value of your business increases as your personal involvement and necessity decreases.

Here Is The Best Part Of This...

  • None of this is guru-based…
  • or theory-based…
  • or difficult to implement…
  •  or hard to understand...
  • or the "next new hot idea".

Again Only 25 Of You Can Attend

For every one of these workshops, I am only searching for just 25 of the right-focused entrepreneurs or business owners—those of you who are ready to make big changes in their business – move up to the next level––or totally skip two or three levels—as your business catapults upward.

Three Magical, Non-Theoretical Sessions Of Transformations

The entire process is totally (and magically) focused squarely on each participant’s unique and specific business situation.

Nothing generalized.  

Nothing theoretical. 

Nothing unproven.

Add Millions Over Your Business Lifetime


It’s a no-nonsense, non-theoretical, and deeply individualized workshop-based Total Business Transformation.

We see if your “business worldview” is vibrant, sweeping, and right on point –– or needs to be replaced by a loftier and bigger vision.

We look at barriers to growth, impediments to profitability, gaps in knowledge (or thinking) that are keeping your business from realizing its full performance potential.

We build a custom, action-based, timeline-game plan for doing what’s needed from the moment you return back to your business.

Together, we examine overlooked opportunities in everything your business does to generate revenue:

We typically illuminate a faster, safer, and more results-probable –– (And, frequently, a far bigger) –– path to increasing and sustainable cash flow.

You get straight, non-sugar-coated straight input from me AND the group on how to do it differently, what to do first, second, third etc..

We create unstoppable new momentum and velocity that fuels far greater competitive advantage and that works in the most ruthlessly challenging of business environments.

  1. 1
    Strategy: A solid and sustainable commitment to implementing a clear growth strategy.
  2. 2
    System: A simple, proven, effective, and long-term method of assuring an every-increasing strategic goal completion. 
  3. 3
    Team: A formula for assembling a high-performance team of staff, contractors, and supporters committed to supporting your vision.

What Clients Are Saying About Us

“Growing Revenue and Cash Flow”

"With the personal mentoring of Bill Prater and the help of his Scaleology® Model, we have doubled our revenue and cash flow this year; we now have the highest performing, most cohesive team ever."

Natalie Barnes
CEO of Business Alliance, Inc.

“Effective In Every Industry Niche"

I've been able to rapidly scale several businesses in different industries, without burning myself out. Why? I use the Scaleology® Model for all of them.

Jared Huyett
Private Equity Investor

“Building An A-team To Scale Your Business"

Since we started working with Bill and his unique systems and methods, we have growth well over 10x, have the finest team ever, and are the envy of all our competition.

Barry Baker
CEO of Baker Construction

Private Dynamic Business Transformation Day

$5000 To Add Millions More Over Your Business Lifetime

My Triple Revenue Two Years In A Row, total business makeover workshop represents hands down the ultimate affordable business growth and personal strategic and critical thinking experience you may ever be offered - IF you and your business are suitable and ready.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Secure Payment

These People Have Already Experienced Their Transformation

“Implementing Our Management System"

"We have grown with Scaleology™ over the past 20 months. Remarkably, every one of those months has been the best one we have ever had...
Plus, our 2019 profit exceeded the previous 4 years combined.
I'm loving it!"

Craig Barber
Founder - Printing Center USA

“A System That Grows As You Grow"

"Bill has been a great help to our companies through the years. Bill gave the companies a better structured system to achieve our business goals. Doing business with Bill was a great experience."

Ken Cornett
CEO - Estate Home Group
Bill Prater

Founder of Scaleology® and Business Mastery System™

About the Creator

I earned my reputation as America’s Business Alchemist™ by helping business owners and entrepreneurs break free of inertia and accelerate into the future they dream of.

I loves nothing better than sharing what I have learned by working with those who are dissatisfied with the status quo and eager to transform themselves and their business. 

A typical client of mine sees their company rising to a position of preeminence and is not satisfied with just “getting to the next level”.

Nothing Remotely Like This Process Exists

Since there’s nothing out there remotely like this and there’s no one out there remotely like me and my model for dynamic growth—it would probably benefit you if I can take a different slant here, now--in explaining what this is, why it is, and what YOU can expect:

Your business will gain directly in many incomparable ways.

First of all, although you will learn a totally new (to you) and time-tested approach to rapidly scaling your business—participants will build and be ready to execute all three components of the Scaleology® Model.

Then you’ll be immersed in three deep-dive, personalized, problem-solving, and opportunity-mining sessions where you will build all of the foundational pillars.

It’s done with groups of five fellow participants with me facilitating a major portion––where you and other participating members get the Scaleology® Model customized for your unique situation. 

You'll Never Miss Any Nuggets

Every minute of every session is recorded for you; so you never miss a breakthrough, insight, or observation.

You will also receive a membership in our private CEO Alliance Community — Worth far more than the participation fee, itself. This includes:

  • Experience articles, courses, live events, and conversations you cannot find elsewhere.
  • Meet people (like-minded entrepreneurs and experts alike) who share your interests, who live near you, who do the same things, and care about the same topics.
  • Make better, more well-informed decisions about the things that are vital to your success in business.
  • Swap stories, experiences, and ideas (not necessarily advice) around our shared mission.
  • Find a little inspiration, thought-provoking conversations, and expert perspective each and every day.

Again It’s A Total Business Transformation

In Just One Full Day. 

Most importantly--we identify the most critical imperatives you must focus major time attention and resources on---now!

If you’re feeling stuck in any or all of these nine areas about:

Losing out to the competition

Not selling enough

Erratic business volume

Failing to be strategic

Costs eating up all your profits

Still doing what’s not working

Being marginalized by the marketplace

Mediocre marketing and sales results

Still trying to do it all yourself


Experiencing the power and force of one of my special strategic Triple Revenue Two Years In A Row processes could -- and should -- totally transform your business performance, profitability, possibilities, and ultimate long-term prosperity.

People Come Here For Big Breakthroughs, Not For Just A Few Good Ideas

The ultimate purpose of attending one of my Triple Revenue Two Years In A Row workshops and participating, submitting yourself and your business to this totally unique, comprehensive (and intensive), transformational business dynamic—IS for you to see how to go from wherever your business is at today—to a far greater level of performance, profitability, and predictability—with little or no additional investment, little or no major risk.

Getting Unshackled From Mere Linear Thinking And Taking Your Business Growth Knowledge Beyond Exponential

My goal in doing these is to get you unblinded; so you can see your biggest growth or profit-boosting constraints, limitations, or illusionary restrictions. 

And together perform what I call a paradigm-reset — it lets us set more masterful new strategic initiatives and direction, and rethink your business values, behaviors, and capabilities.

I will hold you to a far higher standard of performance, achievement, and strategic and marketing improvement than you’ve ever held yourself.

Because I know how much more is possible from time, effort, opportunity, investment, access to the market, and interaction with other business owners on the same path.

Together, we will convert your business design and show you how to have more certainty and decisiveness and how to better pilot your business growth.

You will gain clarity and a sense of confidence in the solutions you mount---plus a master plan to successfully deal with whatever challenges, obstacles, setbacks, opportunities---or unexpected surprises that exist or come up in your business life!

Specialized, Customized, Individualized Solutions, Strategies AND Tactics

Everything I do and every contribution made by each participant attending (when you’re in my “Team Consulting Spotlight”) --is specifically focused on YOUR challenges, YOUR opportunities, YOUR competitive situation, YOUR mode of selling or marketing—not someone else’s.

Again it’s $2500 per participant to be part of this live, massive-makeover/team consulting driven experience. No payment terms. Maximum 25 primary participants. 

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Secure Payment

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. We will spend the time to go over your situation prior to attending, if either you or I feel the workshop is not a great fit at the end of our conversation, we'll send you a prompt refund.

P.S. I do these Dynamic Growth Workshops several times a year for very strategic reasons.

I want you to feel that I am authentically committed to you and your business’ transition to preeminence and beyond; as well as the betterment of every other business owner or entrepreneur we allowed to participate in your group. 

ROI’s That Are Off The Chart!

The intended outcome is a return on your investment equally yields that should be at least 10+ times your investment but can be 100X or much more.

If your business is not currently operating at a high enough level of revenue and profitability and that kind of annual profit gain is not minimally realistic for your situation — don’t even think to apply!

Let’s squarely focus on outcomes you should expect to gain from participating — If you are accepted:

So you’re clear on this—this is a “labor of love” project for me.

It’s A Tiny Fraction Of The Price Of Private “One-On-One” Consulting

I do these BREAKTHROUGH events because I can help businesses like yours--who are not yet ready to pay my more staggering monthly retainer fees or profit shares; but who would greatly benefit from access to my advice, expertise, and recommendations. 

Is Triple Revenue Two Years In A Row Right for You?

For less than 20th the fixed fee I charge a private client, you gain access to my personalized strategy, my customized marketing, my unique preemptive repositioning, uniquely-focused competitive advantage -- that has the proven capability of catapulting your sales/profit performance, by orders of magnitude.

This is not delusion on my part. My track record of performance for private clients speaks for itself. 

Everything I do and every contribution made by each participant attending (when you’re in my “Team Consulting Spotlight”) --is specifically focused on YOUR challenges, YOUR opportunities, YOUR competitive situation, YOUR mode of selling or marketing—not someone else’s.

Again it’s $5000 per participant to be part of this live, massive-makeover/hot seat driven experience. No payment terms. Maximum 25 primary participants. 

Mistake Proof Attendance:

If It’s Not Right And You’re NOT Right We Won’t Accept You

I can make that statement because, if you’re already performing at optimal levels — I won’t accept you. If you’re so underperforming and under-resourced that you can’t properly apply what I would teach—I won’t accept you. I will ONLY accept those entrepreneurs and business owners whose companies clearly represent high-probability, massive performance-enhancement candidates. Simple.

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