Thanks for your interest in being on my Business Builders Shows. I look forward to showcasing your story and driving motivated business owners and entrepreneurs to your website.
Secure your place on my leading business building podcast and get your message in front of more than 35,000 engaged business professionals, ready to hear your story.
The best part is it will be fun. That’s a promise.
Position yourself alongside your most successful peers from all over the planet and get your story in front of the right people—your customers and clients; your employees; your perspective employees; your vendors; and, your other stakeholders.
Join the growing ranks of successful business builders who have been featured on my Business Builders Show (BBS), and share your insights with over 35,000 global business owners, eager to hear from you.
This is the one live show and podcast you cannot miss. Take your place among the best in the business and promote your brand to an exclusive audience (35,000+ business professionals) waiting to hear from you.
- Are you looking for the next great channel to promote your brand?
- Searching for an untapped global audience of potential new clients, employees and/or suppliers?
- Craving a real conversation with a business building expert to showcase your mastery and expertise?
- Or perhaps you're just looking for someone with a different take.
I know, I get it.
Live broadcasting and podcasting is the new "it" marketing strategy, and it seems everyone has their own show. Sorting the wheat from the chaff is only going to get tougher because there's only one thing we all share.
You can't appear on just any show, there's just not enough hours in the day.
You need to ensure the interviews you do give are actually worth it.
Able to boost your credibility, generate real interest in your products and brand, and create authentic connections with prospects who fit your ideal customer profile.
After nearly 4 decades serving exclusively business owners and entrepreneurs, I like to think I've created something a little special.
A live show and podcast I can honestly say isn't quite like anything else out there…
- If you're wanting to share your story with a wider audience
- If you're looking for an untapped market to advertise your services
- If you're seeking a natural host who actually makes guests comfortable on air
- If you’re wanting to do all this in less than an hour with almost no preparation
You're in luck.
That's exactly what you get on my show.
I'm Bill Prater, and my entire career has centered on helping business owners dynamically scale their businesses. I am a creator, teacher, coach and mentor known as America’s Business Alchemist™ because of my proven ability to literally transform companies.
I've also got highly successful live shows and podcasts.
Each week, I interview legends in their respective industries. People who have not only done well, they have mastered their market.
Introducing their message to an exclusive audience (over 35,000 highly engaged connections and counting).
If you're wanting to reach an audience of global business owners and senior leaders, this is your chance.
I'd like you to be a guest on my show.
I'm always on the lookout for guests who can bring something unique to my audience, demonstrating not only their success, but explaining how they've done things in a new way, or a little differently to ensure they stand out.
True masters of their craft.
People with a real, authentic story to tell.
But right about now you're wondering about me.
If my show will be any good...
If it'll be worth your time, and whether or not there's any real substance to my claims.
At the risk of being a little too self-promotional, I want you to know I don't just interview anyone.
You'll be joining the ranks of others intent on getting their message out and helping as many business owners and entrepreneurs as possible, all of our guests are undeniable experts in their fields.
Right, so what I'm offering is pretty simple…
A chance to share your expertise with a ready and eager audience. With me by your side to make sure it'll be the easiest interview you've ever done. I'll keep the spotlight on you, while you explain your business, and ultimately promote your offer to all of my listeners.
I will also…
- Broadcast Live on all my channels (Youtube, Facebook, Linkedin and others)
- Share the podcast episode with my highly engaged list of over 35,000
- Permanently post your episode on our website, with a link to your website
- Share our live interview with my social connections (and yours as well) several times and link to your website
- Tweet our chat to my Twitter followers with a link to your website
- Publish the interview to my Business Mastery Facebook page with another link to your website
- Provide you with the links to the video blog so you can use it in your promotional material
- Open the doors for you to connect with other great podcasts hosts in my personal network
And let me assure you, I'll go full out to make your appearance look sensational including offering our audience a video format, audio/podcast format and full show notes. You can click here for an example of how great your interview will look.
If you're looking for your next great stage, you've found it.
If you want to engage with an exclusive network of fellow high-performance business owners and entrepreneurs, potentially sparking relationships with new partners and clients…
You cannot miss the opportunity.
But that's not all.
I genuinely want to make this the easiest interview you've ever done.
So, here's what I'll do.
On the call, I'll give you plenty of time to cover these few questions. Each question is one in a carefully structured sequence that’s not only designed to add value to my audience but to also speak directly to those listeners who need what you’ve got.
No, I'm not throwing the baby out with the bath water.
I'm just giving you the chance to prepare.
To make a few notes beforehand. I guarantee you nothing gets overlooked on the call, to ensure you tell the perfect story, and ultimately drive more traffic to your website and offer.
Here are the questions…
- Who do you serve?
- What problems do you solve?
- How do you typically solve those problems (your products and services)?
- How are you different from your competition?
- What were the major milestones for your company (your story)?
- What's holding you back right now?
- How can our listeners contact you?
- What’s the one question that I should have asked you that would give great value to our audience? (And the answer please!)
Phew. So that's it.
You come to my stage, and broadcast your message to thousands of new potential followers, fans, and perhaps even customers, across a wide range of channels.
And I get an exciting new business mastery expert to have a genuine chat with.
It really is a win-win.
Let me help take your business to the next level, and share your insights with my audience.
Click the booking link below, and let's schedule a time for the interview. And after the interview we can chat and see how else I can help you.
Looking forward to it.
Bill Prater
America’s Business Alchemist™